Please join me for my solo show in the beautiful Nugent Gallery at Rosemont College, just outside Philadelphia. See the most complete showing of my recent work on fabric.
The reception will be full of joy and live music.
Society of American Graphic Artists (SAGA)
Governor’s Island, NYC
October 22-November 3, 2024
My entry: Grandma’s Foxes, 2024, Painted onotype on paper.
The gallery overlooking NY Harbor and Wall Street.
Society of American Graphic Artists (SAGA) @
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
October 30, 2022- January 1, 2023
I am now part of a fabulous group show presented by SAGA, a professional printmakers group in New York City. For the first time since 1955, SAGA has been able to secure the large gallery overlooking the Met Store right on Fifth Avenue. It’s the third largest museum in the world, only after the Hermitage and the National Museum of China (a guard told me that). The name of my work is Baby, and unlike all of the other print work in the show, mine is a print on fabric.
Baby · 2022 · ink on cotton with embroidery thread
Thanks to Margo McLean for capturing the event.
Fiber Optics
McLean Textile Gallery
McLean, VA
February 20-March 30, 2022
Thanks to McLean Textile Gallery for presenting a comprehensive exhibition of my works on fabric
Watch a short video tour of the gallery.
Flip Turn